Periode 1998 - 2002
- Bekerja sama dengan Perum Perhutani memfasilitasi lokakarya inisiasi program Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat di Pusdik Perhutani Madiun
- Bersama – sama dengan beberapa lembaga lain, bergabung dalam Komunitas Peduli Hutan Jawa (KPH Jawa), dan menginisiasi sebuah pertemuan besar antara masyarakat desa hutan dengan para pendukungnya di Malang
- Menginisiasi Forum Hutan Jawa, sebuah forum yang diniatkan untuk menjadi wadah komunikasi berbagai pihak (ornop, pemda, MDH, perhutani) dalam mengawal inisiatif Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat. (tahun 2000 - 2001)
- Menginisiasi dan aktif dalam menggerakkan kelompok kerja Jawa (Pokja Jawa FKKM), sebuah task force di dalam Forum Komunikasi Kehutanan Masyarakat (FKKM) yang bekerja dalam upaya penyelamatan Hutan Jawa
- Bekerja sama dengan Multistakeholder Forestry Programme – Department for International Development ( MFP – DFID ) - UK, di bawah bendera Pokja Jawa FKKM, komunitas ini memfasilitasi temu inisiatif DPRD Kabupaten se – Jawa dan Madura (Februari 2001). Fasilitasi ini dimaksudkan untuk menggugah kepedulian para anggota legislatif se – Jawa dan Madura terhadap kondisi Hutan Jawa yang semakin terancam. Catatan hasil temu inisiatif ini terdokumentasikan dalam sebuah buku yang berjudul : Hutan Jawa Menjemput Ajal, Akankah Otonomi Menjadi Solusi ?
- Bekerja sama dengan Perum Perhutani memfasilitasi Dialog Multipihak : Peluang Community Forestry dalam pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan di Jawa (Februari 2002). Pertemuan ini mempertemukan para pihak (Perhutani, masyarakat desa hutan, Pemda, LSM) dari 10 kabupaten di Jawa.
Periode 2002 - 2006
- Memfasilitasi seri Belajar Antar Petani I (September – Oktober 2002). Serial belajar ini melibatkan petani dan pendamping dari 10 kabupaten di 5 propinsi di Jawa. Serial ini merupakan sebuah rangkaian proses belajar yang dilaksanakan secara berpindah di 4 lokasi di Jawa, antara lain Sukabumi, Wonosobo, Gunungkidul, dan Malang Selatan.
- Pada periode 2002 – 2004, komunitas ini secara bergantian dan bersama – sama saling membantu memfasilitasi, saling belajar, dan saling mengawal inisiatif – inisiatif yang diinisiasi oleh para anggotanya, baik dalam bentuk pelatihan, dialog antar pihak, lokakarya, maupun studi banding. Proses – proses yang difasilitasi ini antara lain terjadi di Banten, Gunungkidul, Boyolali, Wonosobo, Madiun, Banyumas, Dieng, dan Malang.
- Memfasilitasi seri Belajar Antar Petani II (2004 – 2006). Serial belajar ini melibatkan petani, pendamping, dan para pihak yang terlibat di dalam pengelolaan hutan Jawa. Serial belajar ini direncanakan terdiri dari 4 (empat) paket belajar yang akan mengambil 10 lokasi belajar: Jember, Malang Barat, Malang Selatan, Ngawi, Boyolali, Gunungkidul, Kuningan, Banten, Wonosobo, dan Banyumas. Program ini didukung oleh Kedutaan Besar Kerajaan Inggris.
Periode 2006 – 2013
- Bekerja sama dengan Ford Foundation untuk melakukan studi dan uji implementasi terhadap model pengelolaan hutan bersama masyarakat yang dikembangkan oleh Perhutani di Jawa.
- Bekerja sama dengan Kemitraan dan Kedutaan Besar Norwegia untuk Mengembangkan model kelembagaan dan kebijakan daerah yang terkait dengan pengelolaan hutan lestari di Daeah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur dan Bali.
- Mengembangkan unit keuangan yang menyediakan bantuan permodalan bagi usaha-usaha ekonomi produktif skala kecil di kalangan masyarakat desa hutan di Jawa. Program ini didukung oleh kedutaan besar Kerajaan Inggris.
- Menyelenggarakan Pekan Raya Hutan dan Masyarakat, sebuah event nasional 2 tahunan yang ,melibatkan jaringan multi pihak di sektor kehutanan dan lingkungan. Pada even ini bertemu tokoh-tokoh nasional setingkat menteri, anggota DPR, ketua MPR, tokoh partai dan segenap elemen-elemen masyarakat strategis untuk mendiskusikan isu-isu kehutanan, lingkungan dan kemiskinan masyarakat desa hutan di Indonesia. Acara Pekan Raya Human dan Masyarakat pernah diselenggarakan pada tahun 2006 dan 2008.
- Bersama-sama dengan Pemda Wonosobo pada periode 2007-2008 mengembangkan program penyelematan dataran tinggi Dieng.
- Periode 2006 – 2010: Mendorong pengembangan program tata kepengurusan hutan yang baik (good forestry governance) di Jawa bersama-sama sejumlah lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang tersebar di Jawa. Program ini antara lain meiputi isu2 penguatan akses masyarakat desa hutan terhadap sumber daya hutan yang ada di sekitarnya, reformasi birokrasi kehutanan di daerah, pengembangan timbal balik jasa lingkungan, penguatan daya dukung lingkungan dan pengembangan usaha ekonomi produktif di kalangan masyarakat desa hutan. Program ini didukung oleh Kemitraan dan kedutaan besar Norwegia.
- Periode 2011 – 2012, bersama dengan Universitas Gajah Mada mendorong sertifikasi legalitas kayu pada hutan hak dan industri kayu di Jawa. Program ini di dukung oleh MFP (Multystakeholder Forestry Program).
- Desember 2011 – Juni 2012. Pengembangan Implementasi Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) dalam Upaya Memperkuat Kelestarian Usaha Kehutanan Skala Kecil, Kelestarian Sumberdaya Hutan, dan Tata Kelola Kehutanan di Jawa. Program ini di dukung oleh MFP (Multystakeholder Forestry Program).
- September 2012 – Oktober 2013. Memperkuat Tata Usaha Kayu pada Unit Manajemen Hutan Rakyat dan Industi Kecil Menengah (IKM) melalui Perluasan Implementasi Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) di Jawa. Program ini di dukung oleh MFP (Multystakeholder Forestry Program).
- Periode 2012 - 2014, bersama Pemda Kabupaten Gunungkidul mengembangkan program Taman Kota dan Ekowisata Srigethuk, serta bersama APIKRI Yogyakarta (Asosiasi Pengrajin Yogyakarta) mendorong pengembangan kemampuan pengrajin produk kayu bersertifikat dengan mendirikan Rumah Desain sebagai tempat mengembangkan desain produk bagi pengrajin, untuk kebutuhan pasar laur negeri dan dalam negeri. Semua program ini didukung oleh PT Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk.
Periode 2013 – sekarang
- April 2013 – Februari 2014. Pembangunan Rumah Desain. Program ini di dukung oleh CSR PT Bank Negara Indonesia.
- Februari – September 2014. Forest Connect to Write up Java Teak – Successful Business Model in Indonesia. Program ini di dukung oleh RecofTc dan IIED.
- Januari – Agustus 2015, dengan dukungan Multi-stakeholders Forestry Programme (MFP)—mengimplementasikan Program “Memperkuat Bisnis Kehutanan Masyarakat (CBFE – Community Based Forest Enterprise) dan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Perkayuan.
- Periode 2015 – 2016, bersama dengan Universitas Diponegoro membuat program restorasi kawasan Waduk Diponegoro, Semarang. Program ini bertujaun mengembalikan fungsi lahan waduk sebagai daerah tangkapan air serta sebagai paru-paru kota semarang. Program ini di dukung oleh PT Bank Negara Indonesia.
- Periode 2015 – 2016, bersama dengan Universitas Diponegoro membuat program restorasi kawasan Waduk Diponegoro, Semarang. Program ini bertujaun mengembalikan fungsi lahan waduk sebagai daerah tangkapan air serta sebagai paru-paru kota semarang. Program ini di dukung oleh PT Bank Negara Indonesia.
- 1 April 2016 – 31 Maret 2018, Mitigasi Berbasis Lahan pada Kawasan Karst, DAS Kritis, dan Kawasan Konservasi di Kabupaten Gunungkidul – DI Yogyakarta. ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund).
- Mei – Desember 2016, Pembentukan Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Embung di Desa Tegal Mulyo – Kecamatan Kemalang – Kabupaten Klaten – Jawa Tengah. Kerjasama dengan Fakultas Teknik – UGM dan CSR Danone.
- Mei – Desember 2016, Edukasi Penanganan Lahan di Kawasan Bekas Galian C di Desa Balerante – Kecamatan Kemalang – Kabupaten Klaten – Jawa Tengah. Kerjasama dengan Fakultas Teknik – UGM dan CSR Danone.
- Juli 2016 – Desember 2017, Mengembangkan Usaha-usaha Ramah Lingkungan Berbasis Potensi Lokal Di Kawasan Timur Kabupaten Berau. MCA – Indonesia
- 1 Januari 2017 – 31 Mei 2018. Mewujudkan Pengelolaan Hutan Kolaboratif Berbasis Potensi Lokal Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues – NAD. USAID LESTARI
- 1 April – 31 Desember 2017. Konservasi Berbasis Masyarakat (KOBEM). CSR Danone
- 1 Agustus – 31 September 2017. Business Incubation Case Study. IIED
- September – Desember 2017. Penyusunan Rencana Induk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Penyangga Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi. Balai TN Gunung Merapi
- 1 Desember 2017 – 28 Februari 2018. Pengembangan Model dan Peta Jalan Konsolidasi Lahan Sawit Rakyat di Kawasan Hutan untuk Menjamin Tata Kelola Sawit Rakyat yang Baik guna Mewujudkan Penghidupan Berkelanjutan. IRE – Kehati
- Maret – April 2018. Penguatan Kelembagaan dan Kewirausahaan Kelompok Pelestari Anggrek. Balai TN Gunung Merapi.
- 4 Juni 2018 – 4 Maret 2019. Dukungan Pembangunan Kabupaten Gunungkidul yang Berdaya Tahan terhadap Dampak Perubahan Iklim di Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU), EnerBI (Energi Bersih Indonesia), dan ICCTF
- 1 Agustus 2018 – 17 Mei 2019. Mengembangkan Model Konsolidasi dan Peningkatan Kapasitas bagi Sawit Rakyat Berkelanjutan. Yayasan Kehati
- 1 Mei 2019 – 30 November 2019. Program Konservasi Sub DAS Cipunagara. CSR Danone
- 13 Juni – 13 Desember 2019. Pendampingan Pelaksanaan Perencanaan Tata Guna Lahan Desa yang Dilakukan oleh Desa pada Lokasi II Forest Programme II di Kabupaten Tebo. Balai PSKL Wilayah Sumatera
- 6 September 2019 – 17 Agustus 2021, Indonesia Multistakeholder Forestry Programme Phase 4 (MFP 4), program kolaborasi dengan Lembaga Arupa dan didukung oleh the Palladium International Ltd.
- 1 November 2019 – 31 Oktober 2021. Mendorong Pengelolaan Sawit Rakyat Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. SPOS Kehati
- 3 Desember 2019 – 31 Januari 2020. Smallholders Oilpalm Parcel Mapping Using Drone Photos Technology. GIZ
- 1 April – 30 November 2020. Program Konservasi di Sub DAS Cipunagara. CSR AQUA Danone/PT Tirta Investama
Period 1998 – 2002
- Cooperate with Perhutani facilitate a Program Initiation Workshop on Joint Community Forest Management in Pusdik (education center) of Perhutani – Madiun.
- Along with other oraganizations, joint in Java Forest Cares Community (Komunitas Peduli Hutan Jawa – KPH Jawa), initiate a big meeting between forest village community and the supporters in Malang.
- Initiate Java Forest Forum (Forum Hutan Jawa). A forum which is intended to be a communication forum of various parties (ornop, regional government, forest village community, Perhutani) in escorting the initiative of Joint Community Forest Management (2000 – 2001).
- Initiate and active in moving Java working group (Kelompok Kerja Jawa – Pokja Jawa FKKM), a task force in Community Forestry Communication Forum (Forum Komunikasi Kehutanan Masyarakat – FKKM) which work in an effort to save the Java forest.
- Cooperate with Multistakeholder Forestry Programme – Department for International Development (MFP – DFID) – UK, under the flag of FKKM Java Working Group (Pokja Jawa FKKM), this community facilitates initiative meeting the district representative council (DPRD) all over Java and Madura towards the condition of Java forest which is increasingly threatened. The result note of this initiative meeting is documented in a book entitled: Hutan Jawa Menjemput Ajal, Akankah Otonomi Menjadi Solusi?
- Cooperate with Perum Perhutani facilitates Multi stakeholder dialogue: the Chance of Community Forestry in managing forest sustainably in Java (February 2002). This meeting meets multi stakeholder (Perhutani, forest village community, regional government, NGOs) from 10 districts in Java.
Period 2002 – 2006
- Facilitate a series of Belajar Antar Petani I (the first Learning between Farmers) (September – October 2002). This learning series involves farmer and the assistant from 10 districts in 5 provinces in Java. This series is a learning process which carry out by moving around in 4 locations in Java, they are Sukabumi, Wonosobo, Gunungkidul, and Malang Selatan (South Malang).
- In period 2002 – 2004, this community alternately and together helping each other to facilitate, learn from each other, and escorting each other initiative’s which initiated by the member, either in the form of training, multi stakeholder dialogue, workshop, and comparative study. The process which facilitated are in Banten, Gunungkidul, Boyolali, Wonosobo, Madiun, Banyumas, Deng, and Malang.
- Facilitate a series of Belajar Antar Petani II (the second Learning between Farmers). This series involves farmers, assistant, and multi stakeholder which involves in the Java forest management. This learning series is planned to consist of 4 (four) learning packages which will take 10 learning locations: Jember, Malang Barat (West Malang), Ngawi, Boyolali, Gunungkidul, Kuningan, Banten, Wonosobo, and Banyumas. This programme is supported by the United Kingdom Embassy.
Period 2006 – 2013
- Cooperate with the Ford Foundation to carry out a study and implementation test toward joint community forest management model which developed by Perhutani in Java.
- Cooperate with Kemitraan and Norway embassy to develop regional policy and institutional model related to sustainable forest management in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, and Bali.
- Develop financial unit which provides capital assistance for small scale productive economic ventures in the forest village community in Java. This programme is supported by the United Kingdom Embassy.
- Hold Community and Forest Fair (Pekan Raya Hutan dan Masyarakat). This is a biennial national event which involves multi stakeholder network in forestry and environment sector. National figures that were able to be met in this event such as minister, representative council member (DPR), the chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), party figures, and strategic community elements to discuss the issues on forestry, environment, and poverty of forest village community in Indonesia. The events were held in 2006 and 2008.
- Together with Wonosobo district government in period 2007 – 2008 developed Dieng plateau Rescue Programme.
- Period 2006 – 2010: Promoting the Development of good forest governance in Java together with a number of NGOs spread in Java. This program concerns in issues: strengthen the forest village community towards forest resources around them, bureaucratic reform of forestry in regional areas, the development of reciprocal of environmental services, strengthen the carrying capacity of the environment and the development of productive economic business in forest village community. This programme is supported by Kemitraan and Norway embassy.
- Period 2011 – 2012, together with Gadjah Mada University promoted Timber Legality Certification in private forest and wood industry in Java. This programme is supported by Multistakeholder Forestry Programme.
- December 2011 – June 2012. The Development of Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) in the efforts to strengthen the sustainability of small-scale Forestry Businesses, the sustainability of forest resources, and Forestry Governance in Java. This programme is supported by Multistakeholder Forestry Programme.
- September 2012 – October 2013. Strengthen Timber Administration in Private Forest Management Unit and small and medium Enterprises through the expansion of Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) implementation in Java. This programme is supported by Multistakeholder Forestry programme.
- Period 2012 – 2014, together with Gunungkidul regency government developed a program on city garden and eco-tourism of Srigethuk. And, together with APIKRI Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Craftsman Association) encourage the development of the skill of certified wood products craftsman by establishing design house as a place to develop product design for craftsman for the foreign and domestic market needs. This programme is supported by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk.
Period 2013 – present
- April – 2013 – February 2014. The building of design house. This programme is supported by the CSR of Bank Negara Indonesia.
- February – September 2014. Forest Connect to Write up Java Teak – Successful Business Model in Indonesia. This programme is supported by RecofTc and IIED.
- January – August 2015, with the support from Multi-stakeholders Forestry Programme (MFP) – Implementing a program entitled “Strengthen Community Forestry Business (CBFE – Community-based Forest Enterprise) and small and medium timber industries.
- Period 2015 – 2016, together with Diponegoro University carry out a restoration program of Diponegoro reservoir area, Semarang. This program intends to restore function of the reservoir area as the water catchment area and also as the lung of Semarang city. This programme is supported by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia.
- Period 2015 – 2016, together with Diponegoro University carry out a restoration program of Diponegoro reservoir area, Semarang. This program intends to restore function of the reservoir area as the water catchment area and also as the lung of Semarang city. This programme is supported by PT. Bank Negara Indonesia.
- 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2018, Land Based Mitigation in Karst Areas, Critical Watershed, and Conservation Areas in Gunungkidul District – Special Region of Yogyakarta. ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund).
- May – December 2016, the Institutional Establishment of Reservoir Management in Tegal Mulyo village – Kemalang sub-district – Klaten district – Central Java Province. This programme is a cooperation with Faculty of Engineering of Gadjah Mada University and the CSR of Danone.
- May – December 2016, Land Handling Education in the former of Excavation C areas in Balerante – Kemalang sub-district – Klaten district – Central Java. This programme is a cooperation with Faculty of Engineering – Gadjah Mada University and the CSR of Danone.
- July 2016 – December 2017, developed eco-friendly businesses based on local potential in East Kalimantan – Berau district. This programme is supported by MCA Indonesia.
- 1 January 2017 – 31 May 2018, implemented a programme entitled: Realize Collaborative Forest Management based on local potential in Gayo Lues district – Aceh province. This programme is supported by USAID LESTARI.
- 1 April – 31 December 2017, implemented a programme entitled: Community Based Conservation (KOBEM). This programme is supported by the CSR of Danone.
- 1 August – 31 September 2017, implemented a programme entitled: Business Incubation Case Study. This programme is supported by IIED.
- September – December 2017, implemented the Preparation of a Master Plan of Buffer Village Communities of Gunung Merapi National Park. This programme is a cooperation with Gunung Merapi National Park.
- 1 December 2017 – 28 February 2018, implemented the Development of a Model and Road Map of Consolidation of People’s Palm Oil Lands in Forest Areas to Assure Good Palm Oil Governance to Achieve Sustainable Livelihoods. This programme is a cooperation with IRE – Kehati.
- March – April 2018, implemented a programme entitled: Strengthening the Institutional and the entrepreneurship of Orchid Conservation Group. This programme is a cooperation with Gunung Merapi National Park.
- 4 June 2018 – 4 March 2019, implemented a programme entitled: the Support on the Development of Gunungkidul district which is resilient towards climate change impacts in Agricultural Sector in Gunungkidul ditrict, Yogyakarta. This programme is a cooperation between YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU). EnerBI (Energi Bersih Indonesia), and ICCTF.
- 1 August – 17 May 2019, implemented a programme entitled: Develop a Model of Consolidation and Capacity Building for Sustainable People Palm Oil. This programme is supported by Kehati.
- 1 May 2019 – 30 November 2019, implemented a Conservation programme of Cipunagara Sub-Watershed. This programme is supported by the CSR of Danone.
- 13 June – 13 December 2019, implemented a programme entitled: the Assistance in the Implementation of Village Land Use Planning. This programme is implemented by the village at the location of Forest Programme II in Tebo district. This programme is a cooperation with PSKL in the Sumatera region.
- 6 September 2019 – 17 August 2021, Indonesia Multistakeholder Forestry Programme Phase 4 (MFP 4), collaboration project with Arupa and supported by the Palladium International Ltd.
- 1 November 2019 – 31 October 2021, implementing a programme entitled: Promoting a Sustainable Management of People Palm Oil in East Kotawaringin district. This programme issupported by SPOS Kehati.
- 3 December 2019 – 31 January 2020, implementing Smallholders Oil Palm Parcel MappingUsing Drone Photos Technology. This programme is supported by GIZ.
- 1 April – 30 November 2020, implementing a Conservation Programme in Cipunagara sub-Watershed. This programme is supported by the CSR of Danone.